Hello! I’m so happy you are here.  Welcome to Let’s Breathe.

We are all living such busy lives, feeling like we are on a hamster wheel. We are feeling the toll that this constant go-go-go, work stresses and home pressures are taking on our lives. So many of us are feeling like we have lost our vibe and our spark.

I want to help bring your spark back by creating this site to provide content that is fun and inspiring. I am passionate about people being happy and living their best lives.  Let’s bring some fun back into our lives.

Photo by Daniel Schludi on Unsplash.

Let me take you through each category:

Lifestyle & Wellbeing.

Bits and pieces about life, ideas of how to be happy and healthy, information about self-care, breathing exercises, meditation, gratefulness, or things like starting a new hobby.

Food & Cooking.

I will provide inspiration for those who are too busy, stressed or just not that into cooking, with some quick and delicious meals to prep.  For those wanting a bit more I will also be doing some recipes that require a few more ingredients. Wanting a bit of fun in the kitchen? I will try my hand at kitchen projects like cheese making and kimchi.

Get Moving & Feel Great.

Some fun ideas to make you feel good and inspire you to get up and moving.  Including yoga and fun walking workouts that will leave you feeling fantastic.

If you are reading this now, you are beginning the journey with me, you are one of my OG. With regular updates and new content, let’s build an incredible space that celebrates the joy of life.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s Breathe and rediscover the magic of living our best lives, one playful step at a time!