What’s for Lunch?…Quick and Easy Work Lunch Ideas.

Published by Samantha on

Last Updated on: 16th November 2023, 12:51 pm

Photo by Pille R. Priske on Unsplash.

Every day we ask our selves, ‘What’s for lunch?’ You just want something quick and easy that isn’t tinned tuna on toast again.  Bringing lunch to work doesn’t mean it has to be boring or second rate. With a little planning you can have delicious lunches which also travel well. Some of these are healthy, some a little naughty, but hopefully this helps spruce up your weekday lunches.

Quick and yummy Ploughman’s Lunch.

Imagine lunch time comes around and you’ve got the makings for a delicious Ploughman’s lunch.  You can enjoy a wedge of sharp cheddar, finely shaved ham off-the-bone, cornichons, and a chunk of fresh crusty bread.  Or instead of ham try cold roast beef, or a little pâté with a couple of figs or crunchy radishes.    

“When people you greatly admire appear to be thinking deep thoughts, they probably are thinking about lunch.”

~ Douglas Adams

Easy and delicious Falafels.

Falafels make a healthy, filling and delicious lunch.  You can make your own from a packet of falafel mix, which requires very little skill in the kitchen. Prep the mix by adding boiling water. Brown the falafels in a little oil in a fry pan, then finish them off in a preheated oven.  A batch can be frozen for an easy grab and go lunch.  A delicious lunch awaits with falafels, hummus, chunks of cucumber, a juicy tomato, and fresh Lebanese bread.

Delicious and filling Salads.

Make your salads interesting options like a boiled egg, turkey or haloumi to a variety of vegetables. Throw in a few walnuts, pistachios or chickpeas for an extra protein hit. 

Make your own variation of the classically French Niçoise salad. Combine tuna, egg and buffalo mozzarella with olives, anchovies and leafy greens drizzled with a light vinaigrette. Protein at lunch is a great way of avoiding afternoon energy slumps. 

Photo by Sergio Arze on Unsplash.

The options do not end there.  Old favourites including quiche, sausage rolls, lasagna or a slice of Spanish frittata all transport well.  To leave behind the days of tuna on toast you may need to plan ahead before doing the weekly shopping. The effort will be worth it when lunch time rolls around and you unpack a delicious and filling meal. What would make it even better is if you could find a sunny corner of the office to enjoy your lunch whilst having some much needed down time.

Let me know in the comments what you love to pack for a work lunch.

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10 months ago

Thanks for the ideas. I never think to add nuts to my salads. I’ll be adding a few in tomorrow’s lunch! Great tip!