How to get involved in Mental Health Month October 2023.

Published by Samantha on

Last Updated on: 16th November 2023, 12:48 pm

In NSW every October we celebrate Mental Health Month and on the 10th we can all participate in World Mental Health Day. There are so many ways to get involved, be it through participating in organised events or taking some time out to look after yourself.

This month is a time where we can all come together to think about our mental health and wellbeing, learn about stigma and create safe, caring communities. It also gives us the opportunity to understand the importance of good mental health in our everyday lives.

There are two great themes for us to think about and keep in mind this year:

“We all have a role to play” Mental Health Month.

“Look after your mental health, Australia” World Mental Health Day.


WayAhead is running the “We all have a role to play” campaign. They are encouraging us to think about ways we connect with the people around us. With a goal that together, we can work towards a world free from mental health stigma.

They have come up with a selection of roles we can each play, from:

  • Amazing Ally
  • Community Champion
  • Incredible Individual
  • School Superstar
  • Workplace Wonder.

They have also compiled a calendar of events for the entire month ranging from Workplace Wellbeing Webinars to Meet your Neighbour community events, and everything in between.

Their “vision is for a society that understands, values and actively supports the best possible mental health and wellbeing.”

“Together we can create a safe place for those living with, supporting others and receiving mental health support.”

Mental Health Australia

Mental Health Australia runs the “Look after your mental health, Australia” campaign . “The purpose of World Mental Health Day (WMHD) each year is to raise community awareness of mental health, reduce the stigma around mental health, and encourage people to seek help when they need it.”

There are plenty of ways to get involved, you can register to receive great resources throughout the month including a calendar, tips and key facts to help you look after your self and promote awareness.

There is also the opportunity join in a fun campaign to contribute a photo of your calming colour to be part of the creation of a national mosaic.

What would your calming colour be? I am unsure if mine would be blue for the sky and ocean, or green for the beauty of trees and nature.

Black Dog Institute

Walking Together. Standing Together. Stronger Together.

Walk, run or roll in solidarity this October for the Black Dog Institute’s One Foot Forward challenge. Together, we can show them they are not alone.

I personally have pledged to walk 100km for the One Foot Forward challenge to help reduce the impact of mental illness and suicide. My goal is to raise $500 for Black Dog Institute to fund crucial mental health research and support services for the 1 in 5 people who experience symptoms of mental illness each year.

Action for Happiness

Action for Happiness is a charity organisation with the mission “to help people create a happier world, with a culture that prioritises happiness and kindness”.

“I appreciate the work by members of the Action for Happiness community to create a happier and more compassionate society. This is what our world needs” 

~ His Holiness The Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, 2021

There are many resources available including 10 Keys to Happier Living, podcasts, and a calendar for each month, providing us with actions to help focus on what really matters. The calendars range from Mindful March and Joyful June to Do Good December and Optimistic October. With actions like ‘Ask yourself, will this still matter a year from now?’ and ‘Set hopeful realistic goals for the day ahead.’

Let’s Breathe options.

Relax with the Five Senses Mindfulness Exercise.

The five senses mindfulness exercise is a simple but effective practice which involves using our senses to bring us into the present moment and cultivate mindfulness. It can be done anywhere and at any time, which can help us feel more grounded and reduce stress and anxiety.

Relaxing Activities to Get You Out in Nature.

In our fast-paced world filled with screens, notifications, and constant stimuli, finding moments of tranquility can be challenging. One remarkable way to unwind and reconnect with yourself is by immersing in the soothing embrace of nature.

5 Free Workouts to Fit into your Busy Week.

I found the these 5 free YouTube workouts to do during my work week. To make it more achievable the longest one is 20 minutes, and as jumping isn’t my thing they are all low impact. 

Together we can learn about the stigma surrounding mental health and we can create caring communities. We can also spend time thinking about our own mental health and wellbeing.

My mission is to help people find ways to take care of themselves, their happiness, wellbeing and mental health. I am hoping to continue to work on my community, and also start some new activities and acts of self care that I will be able to continue for many more months.

I would love to hear what you are planning to do. Let me know in the comments below. Also sign up and let’s grow the Let’s Breathe Community.

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